Executive Briefing

This Executive/C-Level Briefing introduces Marketing Automation and the “click-to-close” Marketing Strategy.   Attendees will learn how proper implementation of Marketing Automation can evolve marketing from an un-measurable cost center that runs on a “stack it high and let it fly” or “spray and pray” mentality, to one that can have a true measurable ROI and deliver hard metrics that tie back to corporate and sales goals.

Executive-Briefing-Center-Conf-RoomConcepts such as Acquisition, Engagement, Conversion, Marketing Qualification and the role of Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing will also be covered, as well as how Marketing Automation can add a level of analytics to these activities to help ensure that marketing dollars are properly spent in support of corporate objectives.

This briefing covers the benefits of proper integration of Marketing Automation with CRM as well as potential pitfalls of driving the Sales and Marketing functions into a single, measurable, customer life-cycle process.  It will also cover the available options for the use of Marketing Automation based on sales models.  This includes models such as a high-touch, highly-personalized direct sales model, through a very low-touch two-tier or e-commerce approach.

The features required in support of a successful Marketing Automation implementation will also be detailed.

This briefing is designed for:

  • Companies that have not yet made the decision to use Marketing Automation
  • Companies that have the choice to move forward with Marketing Automation, but have not yet selected a Marketing Automation solution
  • Companies that have selected a Marketing Automation solution but are not seeing the desired returns from their investment.

Contact us at sales@ghostpoint.com to discuss availability, content details and cost of a customized executive briefing.