The 2016 Marketing Super Graphic is here #MarTech #marketingautomation
I’ll keep this simple.
Last year: 2,000 Marketing Technology companies on this graphic.
This Year: 3,500 Marketing Technology companies on this graphic.
My View: More mature companies are hunting upward, looking for bigger, more complex and higher margin deals. That leave lots of opportunity for new entrants to come in and fill niche needs, or address the growing demand for Marketing Technology and Marketing Automation in the SMB space.
Those companies that figure out how to effectively implement Marketing Automation will have a distinct advantage over that that don’t.
You can try to figure it out yourself, or find an expert to help.
SAN FRANCISCO — The number of companies engaged in the marketing technology space has climbed to more than 3,500 in the last year, according to marketing technologist Scott Brinker. BrinkerSource: Can You Make Sense of 3,500 #MarTech Companies? [Infographic]